Function | Description |
arrayToXML |
Turns a PHP array into an XML string. |
arrayFilterRecursive |
Recursively filters an array. |
classAutoLoader |
Internal function to automatically load module classes as needed. |
cleanFile |
Makes sure that a file path doesn't contain abusive characters (i.e. ../) |
colorMesh |
Returns a color a % of the way between two colors. |
copyDirectory |
Copies a directory and sets writable permissions. |
copyFile |
Copies a file into a directory, even if that directory doesn't exist yet. |
cURL |
Posts to a given URL and returns the response. |
currentURL |
Return the current active URL with correct protocall and port |
dateFormat |
Formats a date that originates in the config defined date format into another. |
dateFromOffset |
Returns a formatted date from a date and an offset. |
deleteDirectory |
Deletes a directory including everything in it. |
describeTable |
Gives in depth information about a MySQL table's structure and keys. |
directoryContents |
Returns a directory's files and subdirectories (with their files) in a flat array with file paths. |
formatBytes |
Formats bytes into larger units to make them more readable. |
formatCSS3 |
Replaces CSS3 delcarations with vendor appropriate ones to reduce CSS redundancy. |
formatVendorPrefixes |
A preg_replace function for transforming a standard CSS3 entry into a vendor prefixed string. |
geocodeAddress |
Returns a latitude and longitude for a given address. |
getAvailableFileName |
Gets a web safe available file name in a given directory. |
getCookie |
Gets a cookie set by setCookie and decodes it. |
getFieldSelectOptions |
Get the <select> options of all the fields in a table. |
getTableSelectOptions |
Get the <select> options for all of tables in the database excluding bigtree_ prefixed tables. |
getIsSSL |
Returns whether BigTree believes it's being served over SSL or not. |
globalizeArray |
Globalizes all the keys of an array into global variables without compromising super global ($_) variables. |
globalizeArrayRecursion |
Used by globalizeArray for recursion. |
globalizeGETVars |
Globalizes all the $_GET variables without compromising $_ variables. |
globalizePOSTVars |
Globalizes all the $_POST variables without compromising $_ variables. |
gravatar |
Returns a properly formatted gravatar url. |
isDirectoryWritable |
Extend's PHP's is_writable to support directories that don't exist yet. |
isExternalLink |
Check if URL is external, relative to site root |
json |
Encodes a variable as JSON. Uses pretty print if available. Optionally escapes for SQL. |
makeDirectory |
Makes a directory (and all applicable parent directories). |
moveFile |
Moves a file into a directory, even if that directory doesn't exist yet. |
nextSQLColumnDefinition |
Return the next SQL name definition from a string. |
parsedFilesArray |
Parses the $_FILES array and returns an array more like a normal $_POST array. |
path |
Get the proper path for a file based on whether a custom override exists. |
pathInfo |
Wrapper for PHP's pathinfo to make sure it supports returning "filename" |
phpDateTojQuery |
Converts a PHP date() format to jQuery date picker format. |
placeholderImage |
Generates placeholder image data. |
postMaxSize |
Returns in bytes the maximum size of a POST. |
prefixFile |
Prefixes a file name with a given prefix. |
putFile |
Writes data to a file, even if that directory for the file doesn't exist yet. |
randomString |
Returns a random string. |
redirect |
Simple URL redirect via header with proper code # |
relativeTime |
Turns a timestamp into "… hours ago" formatting. |
remoteIP |
Returns the remote user's IP address (works with load balancers). |
route |
Returns the proper file to include based on existence of subdirectories or .php files with given route names. |
runningAsSU |
Checks if the current script is running as the owner of the script. |
runParser |
Evaluates code in a function scope with $item and $value |
safeEncode |
Modifies a string so that it is safe for display on the web (tags and quotes modified for usage inside attributes) without double-encoding. |
sendEmail |
Sends an email using PHPMailer |
setCookie |
Sets a site-wide cookie with support for arrays. |
setDirectoryPermissions |
Sets writable permissions for a whole directory. |
setPermissions |
Checks to see if the current user the web server is running as is the owner of the current script. |
tableCompare |
Returns a list of SQL commands required to turn one table into another. |
tableContents |
Returns an array of INSERT statements for the rows of a given table. |
tableExists |
Determines whether a SQL table exists. |
touchFile |
touch()s a file even if the directory for it doesn't exist yet. |
translateArray |
Steps through an array and creates internal page links for all parts of it. |
trimLength |
A smarter version of trim that works with HTML. |
unformatBytes |
Formats a string of kilobytes / megabytes / gigabytes back into bytes. |
untranslateArray |
Steps through an array and creates hard links for all internal page links. |
unzip |
Unzips a file. |
uploadMaxFileSize |
Returns Apache's max file size value for use in forms. |
urlExists |
Attempts to connect to a URL using cURL. |
Turns a PHP array into an XML string.
Return Value: A string of XML.
static arrayToXML($array, $tab = "")
Parameter | Description |
$array |
The array to convert. |
$tab |
Current tab depth (for recursion). |
Recursively filters an array.
Return Value: A filtered array
static arrayFilterRecursive($array)
Parameter | Description |
$array |
A multi-dimensional array |
Internal function to automatically load module classes as needed.
static classAutoLoader()
Makes sure that a file path doesn't contain abusive characters (i.e. ../)
Return Value: Cleaned up string.
static cleanFile($file)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
A file name |
Returns a color a % of the way between two colors.
Return Value: A hex value color between the first and second colors.
static colorMesh($first_color, $second_color, $percentage)
Parameter | Description |
$first_color |
The first color. |
$second_color |
The second color. |
$percentage |
The percentage between the first color and the second you want to move. |
Copies a directory and sets writable permissions.
Return Value: true if the copy was successful
static copyDirectory($source, $destination)
Parameter | Description |
$source |
The location of the directory to copy. |
$destination |
The new folder location. |
Copies a file into a directory, even if that directory doesn't exist yet.
Return Value: true if the copy was successful, false if the directories were not writable or the source was not readable.
static copyFile($from, $to)
Parameter | Description |
$from |
The current location of the file. |
$to |
The location of the new copy. |
Posts to a given URL and returns the response.
Wrapper for cURL.
The last response code is stored in $bigtree["last_curl_response_code"].
The last error is stored in $bigtree["last_curl_error"].
Return Value: The string response from the URL.
static cURL($url, $post = false, $options = [], $strict_security = true, $output_file = false, $updating_bundle = false)
Parameter | Description |
$url |
The URL to retrieve / POST to. |
$post |
A key/value pair array of things to POST (optional). |
$options |
A key/value pair of extra cURL options (optional). |
$strict_security |
SSL verification of the host and peer if true (defaults to true). |
$output_file |
A file location to dump the output of the request to (optional, replaces return value). |
$updating_bundle |
Internal use only. |
Return the current active URL with correct protocall and port
static currentURL($port = false)
Parameter | Description |
$port |
Whether to return the port for connections not on port 80 (defaults to false) |
Formats a date that originates in the config defined date format into another.
Return Value: A date string or false if date parsing failed
static dateFormat($date, $format = "Y-m-d H:i:s")
Parameter | Description |
$date |
Date (in any format that strtotime understands or a unix timestamp) |
$format |
Format (in any format that PHP's date function understands, defaults to Y-m-d H:i:s) |
Returns a formatted date from a date and an offset.
e.g. "January 1, 2015" and "2 months" returns "2015-03-01 00:00:00"
Return Value: A date string
static dateFromOffset($start_date, $offset, $format = "Y-m-d H:i:s")
Parameter | Description |
$start_date |
Date to start at (in any format that strtotime understands or a unix timestamp) |
$offset |
Offset (in any "relative" PHP time format) |
$format |
Format for returned date (in any format that PHP's date function understands, defaults to Y-m-d H:i:s) |
Deletes a directory including everything in it.
Return Value: true if successful
static deleteDirectory($dir)
Parameter | Description |
$dir |
The directory to delete. |
Gives in depth information about a MySQL table's structure and keys.
Return Value: An array of table information.
static describeTable($table)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table name. |
Returns a directory's files and subdirectories (with their files) in a flat array with file paths.
Return Value: Returns false if the directory cannot be read.
static directoryContents($directory, $recursive = true, $extension = false, $include_git = false)
Parameter | Description |
$directory |
The directory to search |
$recursive |
Set to false to not recurse subdirectories (defaults to true). |
$extension |
Limit the results to a specific file extension (defaults to false). |
$include_git |
.git and .gitignore will be ignored unless set to true (defaults to false). |
Formats bytes into larger units to make them more readable.
Return Value: A string with the number of bytes in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
static formatBytes($size)
Parameter | Description |
$size |
The number of bytes. |
Replaces CSS3 delcarations with vendor appropriate ones to reduce CSS redundancy.
Return Value: A string of CSS with vendor prefixes.
static formatCSS3($css)
Parameter | Description |
$css |
CSS string. |
A preg_replace function for transforming a standard CSS3 entry into a vendor prefixed string.
Return Value: Replaced string.
static formatVendorPrefixes($data)
Parameter | Description |
$data |
preg data |
Returns a latitude and longitude for a given address.
This method is deprecated and exists only for backwards compatibility (BigTreeGeocoding should be used directly).
Return Value: An associative array with "latitude" and "longitude" keys (or false if geocoding failed).
static geocodeAddress($address)
Parameter | Description |
$address |
The address to geocode. |
Gets a web safe available file name in a given directory.
Return Value: An available, web safe file name.
static getAvailableFileName($directory, $file, $prefixes = [])
Parameter | Description |
$directory |
The destination directory. |
$file |
The desired file name. |
$prefixes |
A list of file prefixes that also need to be accounted for when checking file name availability. |
Gets a cookie set by setCookie and decodes it.
static getCookie($id)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the set cookie |
Get the <select> options of all the fields in a table.
static getFieldSelectOptions($table, $default = "", $sorting = false)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to draw the fields for. |
$default |
The currently selected value. |
$sorting |
Whether to duplicate fields into "ASC" and "DESC" versions. |
Get the <select> options for all of tables in the database excluding bigtree_ prefixed tables.
static getTableSelectOptions($default = false)
Parameter | Description |
$default |
The currently selected value. |
Returns whether BigTree believes it's being served over SSL or not.
static getIsSSL()
Globalizes all the keys of an array into global variables without compromising super global ($_) variables.
Optionally runs a list of functions (passed in after the array) on the data.
static globalizeArray($array, $functions)
Parameter | Description |
$array |
An array with key/value pairs. |
$functions |
Pass in additional arguments to run functions (i.e. "htmlspecialchars") on the data |
Used by globalizeArray for recursion.
static globalizeArrayRecursion()
Globalizes all the $_GET variables without compromising $_ variables.
Optionally runs a list of functions passed in as arguments on the data.
static globalizeGETVars($functions)
Parameter | Description |
$functions |
Pass in additional arguments to run functions (i.e. "htmlspecialchars") on the data |
Globalizes all the $_POST variables without compromising $_ variables.
Optionally runs a list of functions passed in as arguments on the data.
static globalizePOSTVars($functions)
Parameter | Description |
$functions |
Pass in additional arguments to run functions (i.e. "htmlspecialchars") on the data |
Returns a properly formatted gravatar url.
static gravatar($email, $size = 56, $default = false, $rating = "g")
Parameter | Description |
$email |
User's email address. |
$size |
Image size; defaults to 56 |
$default |
Default profile image; defaults to BigTree icon |
$rating |
Defaults to "g" (options include "g", "pg", "r", "x") |
Extend's PHP's is_writable to support directories that don't exist yet.
Return Value: true if the directory exists and is writable or could be created, otherwise false.
static isDirectoryWritable($path)
Parameter | Description |
$path |
The path to check the writable status of. |
Check if URL is external, relative to site root
Return Value: true if link is external
static isExternalLink($url)
Parameter | Description |
$url |
The URL to test. |
Encodes a variable as JSON. Uses pretty print if available. Optionally escapes for SQL.
Return Value: A JSON encoded string.
static json($var, $sql = false)
Parameter | Description |
$var |
Variable to JSON encode. |
$sql |
Whether to SQL escape the JSON (defaults to false). |
Makes a directory (and all applicable parent directories).
Sets permissions to 777.
static makeDirectory($directory)
Parameter | Description |
$directory |
The full path to the directory to be made. |
Moves a file into a directory, even if that directory doesn't exist yet.
Return Value: true if the move was successful, false if the directories were not writable.
static moveFile($from, $to)
Parameter | Description |
$from |
The current location of the file. |
$to |
The location of the new copy. |
Return the next SQL name definition from a string.
Return Value: A string.
static nextSQLColumnDefinition($string)
Parameter | Description |
$string |
A string with the name definition being terminated by a single ` |
Parses the $_FILES array and returns an array more like a normal $_POST array.
Return Value: A more sensible array, or a piece of that sensible array if "part" is set.
static parsedFilesArray($part = false)
Parameter | Description |
$part |
(Optional) The key of the file tree to return. |
Get the proper path for a file based on whether a custom override exists.
Return Value: Hard file path to a custom/ (preferred) or core/ file depending on what exists.
static path($file)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
File path relative to either core/ or custom/ |
Wrapper for PHP's pathinfo to make sure it supports returning "filename"
Return Value: Everything PHP's pathinfo() returns (with "filename" even when PHP doesn't support it).
static pathInfo($file)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
The full file path. |
Converts a PHP date() format to jQuery date picker format.
Return Value: jQuery date picker formatting string.
static phpDateTojQuery($format)
Parameter | Description |
$format |
PHP date() formatting string |
Generates placeholder image data.
Return Value: Nothing; Renders a placeholder image
static placeholderImage($width, $height, $bg_color = false, $text_color = false, $icon_path = false, $text_string = false)
Parameter | Description |
$width |
The width of desired image |
$height |
The height of desired image |
$bg_color |
The background color; must be full 6 charachter hex value |
$text_color |
The text color; must be full 6 charachter hex value |
$icon_path |
Image to render, disables text rendering, must be gif, jpeg, or png |
$text_string |
Text to render; overrides default dimension display |
Returns in bytes the maximum size of a POST.
static postMaxSize()
Prefixes a file name with a given prefix.
Return Value: The full path or file name with a prefix appended to the file name.
static prefixFile($file, $prefix)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
A file name or full file path. |
$prefix |
The prefix for the file name. |
Writes data to a file, even if that directory for the file doesn't exist yet.
Sets the file permissions to 777 if the file did not exist.
Return Value: true if the move was successful, false if the directories were not writable.
static putFile($file, $contents)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
The location of the file. |
$contents |
The data to write. |
Returns a random string.
Return Value: A random string.
static randomString($length = 8, $seeds = 'alphanum')
Parameter | Description |
$length |
The number of characters to return. |
$seeds |
The seed set to use ("alpha" for lowercase letters, "numeric" for numbers, "alphanum" for uppercase letters and numbers, "hexidec" for hexidecimal) |
Simple URL redirect via header with proper code #
static redirect($url = false, $code = ["302"])
Parameter | Description |
$url |
The URL to redirect to. |
$code |
The status code of redirect, defaults to normal 302 redirect. |
Turns a timestamp into "… hours ago" formatting.
Return Value: A string describing how long ago the passed time was.
static relativeTime($time)
Parameter | Description |
$time |
A date/time stamp understandable by strtotime |
Returns the remote user's IP address (works with load balancers).
Return Value: An IP address
static remoteIP()
Returns the proper file to include based on existence of subdirectories or .php files with given route names.
Used by the CMS for routing ajax and modules.
Return Value: An array with the first element being the file to include and the second element being an array containing extraneous routes from the end of the path.
static route($directory, $path)
Parameter | Description |
$directory |
Root directory to begin looking in. |
$path |
An array of routes. |
Checks if the current script is running as the owner of the script.
Useful for determining whether you need to 777 a file you're creating.
Return Value: true if PHP is running as the user that owns the file
static runningAsSU()
Evaluates code in a function scope with $item and $value
Used mostly internally in the admin for parsers.
Return Value: Modified $value
static runParser($item, $value, $code)
Parameter | Description |
$item |
Full array of data |
$value |
The value to be manipulated and returned |
$code |
The code to be run in eval() |
Modifies a string so that it is safe for display on the web (tags and quotes modified for usage inside attributes) without double-encoding.
Ensures that other html entities (like …) turn into UTF-8 characters before encoding.
Only to be used when your website's character set is UTF-8.
Return Value: Encoded string.
static safeEncode($string)
Parameter | Description |
$string |
String to encode |
Sends an email using PHPMailer
Return Value: true if email is sent, otherwise false.
static sendEmail($to, $subject, $html, $text = "", $from = false, $return = false, $cc = false, $bcc = false, $headers = [], $ = [])
Parameter | Description |
$to |
String or array of recipient email address(es) |
$subject |
Subject line text |
$html |
HTML Email Body |
$text |
Text Email Body |
$from |
From email address |
$return |
Return email address (if different than from) |
$cc |
String or array of carbon copy email address(es) |
$bcc |
String or array of blind carbon copy email address(es) |
$headers |
Key/value pair array of extra headers |
$ |
Sets a site-wide cookie with support for arrays.
Cookies set by setCookie should be retrieved via getCookie (all values are JSON encoded).
static setCookie($id, $value, $expiration)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The cookie identifier |
$value |
The value to set for the cookie |
$expiration |
Cookie expiration time (in seconds since UNIX epoch) or a string value compatible with strtotime (defaults to session expiration) |
Sets writable permissions for a whole directory.
If the web server is not running as the owner of the current script, permissions will be 777.
static setDirectoryPermissions($location)
Parameter | Description |
$location |
The directory to set permissions on. |
Checks to see if the current user the web server is running as is the owner of the current script.
If they are not the same user, the file/directory is given a 777 permission so that the script owner can still manage the file.
static setPermissions($location)
Parameter | Description |
$location |
The file or directory to set permissions on. |
Returns a list of SQL commands required to turn one table into another.
Return Value: An array of SQL calls to perform to turn Table A into Table B.
static tableCompare($table_a, $table_b)
Parameter | Description |
$table_a |
The table that is being translated |
$table_b |
The table that the first table will become |
Returns an array of INSERT statements for the rows of a given table.
The INSERT statements will be binary safe with binary columns requested in hex.
Return Value: An array.
static tableContents($table)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
Table to pull data from. |
Determines whether a SQL table exists.
Return Value: true if table exists, otherwise false.
static tableExists($table)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table name. |
touch()s a file even if the directory for it doesn't exist yet.
static touchFile($file)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
The file path to touch. |
Steps through an array and creates internal page links for all parts of it.
Return Value: An array with internal page links encoded.
static translateArray($array)
Parameter | Description |
$array |
The array to process. |
A smarter version of trim that works with HTML.
Return Value: A string trimmed to the proper number of characters.
static trimLength($string, $length)
Parameter | Description |
$string |
A string of text or HTML. |
$length |
The number of characters to trim to. |
Formats a string of kilobytes / megabytes / gigabytes back into bytes.
Return Value: The number of bytes.
static unformatBytes($size)
Parameter | Description |
$size |
The string of (kilo/mega/giga)bytes. |
Steps through an array and creates hard links for all internal page links.
Return Value: An array with internal page links decoded.
static untranslateArray($array)
Parameter | Description |
$array |
The array to process. |
Unzips a file.
static unzip($file, $destination)
Parameter | Description |
$file |
Location of the file to unzip |
$destination |
The full path to unzip the file's contents to. |
Returns Apache's max file size value for use in forms.
Return Value: The integer value for setting a form's MAX_FILE_SIZE.
static uploadMaxFileSize()
Attempts to connect to a URL using cURL.
Return Value: true if it can connect, false if connection failed.
static urlExists($url)
Parameter | Description |
$url |
The URL to connect to. |