Function | Description |
cacheNewItem |
Caches a new database entry by investigating associated views. |
cacheRecord |
Caches a single item in a view to the bigtree_module_view_cache table. |
cacheViewData |
Grabs all the data from a view and does parsing on it based on automatic assumptions and manual parsers. |
changeExists |
Checks to see if a change exists for a given item in the bigtree_pending_changes table. |
clearCache |
Clears the cache of a view or all views with a given table. |
createItem |
Creates an entry in the database for an auto module form. |
createPendingItem |
Creates an entry in the bigtree_pending_changes table for an auto module form. |
deleteItem |
Deletes an item from the given table and removes any pending changes, then uncaches it from its views. |
deletePendingItem |
Deletes a pending item from bigtree_pending_changes and uncaches it. |
getDependantViews |
Returns all views that have a dependance on a given table. |
getEditAction |
Returns a module action for the given module and form IDs. |
getEmbedForm |
Returns a module embeddable form. |
getEmbedFormByHash |
Returns a module embeddable form. |
getFilterQuery |
Returns a query string that is used for searching views based on group permissions. |
getForm |
Returns a module form. |
getGroupsForView |
Returns all groups in the view cache for a view. |
getItem |
Returns an entry from a table with all its related information. |
getModuleForForm |
Returns the associated module id for the given form. |
getModuleForView |
Returns the associated module id for the given view. |
getPendingItem |
Gets an entry from a table with all its related information and pending changes applied. |
getRelatedFormForReport |
Returns the form for the same table as the given report. |
getRelatedFormForView |
Returns the form for the same table as the given view. |
getRelatedViewForForm |
Returns the view for the same table as the given form. |
getRelatedViewForReport |
Returns the view for the same table as the given report. |
getReport |
Returns a report with the filters and fields decoded. |
getReportResults |
Returns rows from the table that match the filters provided. |
getSearchResults |
Returns results from the bigtree_module_view_cache table. |
getTagsForEntry |
Returns the tags for an entry. |
getView |
Returns a view. |
getViewData |
Gets a list of data for a view. |
getViewDataForGroup |
Gets a list of data for a view in a given group. |
getViewForTable |
Gets a view for a given table for showing change lists in Pending Changes. |
parseViewData |
Parses data and returns the parsed columns (runs parsers and populated lists). |
publishPendingItem |
Publishes a pending item and caches it. |
recacheItem |
Re-caches a database entry. |
sanitizeData |
Processes form data into values understandable by the MySQL table. |
submitChange |
Creates a change request for an item and caches it. |
track |
Used internally by the class to facilitate audit trail tracking when a logged in user is making a call. |
uncacheItem |
Removes a database entry from the view cache. |
updateItem |
Update an entry and cache it. |
updatePendingItemField |
Update a pending item's field with a given value. |
validate |
Validates a form element based on its validation requirements. |
validationErrorMessage |
Returns an error message for a form element that failed validation. |
Caches a new database entry by investigating associated views.
static cacheNewItem($id, $table, $pending = false, $recache = false)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the new item. |
$table |
The table the new item is in. |
$pending |
Whether this is actually a pending entry or not. |
$recache |
Whether to delete previous cached entries with this id (for use by recacheItem) |
Caches a single item in a view to the bigtree_module_view_cache table.
static cacheRecord($item, $view, $parsers, $poplists, $original_item)
Parameter | Description |
$item |
The database record to cache. |
$view |
The related view entry. |
$parsers |
An array of manual parsers set in the view. |
$poplists |
An array of populated lists that relate to the item. |
$original_item |
The item without pending changes applied for GBP. |
Grabs all the data from a view and does parsing on it based on automatic assumptions and manual parsers.
static cacheViewData($view)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view entry to cache data for. |
Checks to see if a change exists for a given item in the bigtree_pending_changes table.
Return Value: true or false
static changeExists($table, $id)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table the item is from. |
$id |
The ID of the item. |
Clears the cache of a view or all views with a given table.
static clearCache($entry)
Parameter | Description |
$entry |
The view id or view entry to clear the cache for or a table to find all views for (and clear their caches). |
Creates an entry in the database for an auto module form.
Return Value: The id of the new entry in the database.
static createItem($table, $data, $many_to_many, $tags, $publishing_change, $open_graph)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to put the data in. |
$data |
An array of form data to enter into the table. This function determines what data in the array applies to a column in the database and discards the rest. |
$many_to_many |
Many to many relationship entries. |
$tags |
Tags for the entry. |
$publishing_change |
A change ID that is being published (defaults to null) |
$open_graph |
Open Graph information. |
Creates an entry in the bigtree_pending_changes table for an auto module form.
Return Value: The id of the new entry in the bigtree_pending_changes table.
static createPendingItem($module, $table, $data, $many_to_many, $tags, $publish_hook, $embedded_form, $open_graph)
Parameter | Description |
$module |
The module for the entry. |
$table |
The table to put the data in. |
$data |
An array of form data to enter into the table. This function determines what data in the array applies to a column in the database and discards the rest. |
$many_to_many |
Many to many relationship entries. |
$tags |
Tags for the entry. |
$publish_hook |
A function to call when this change is published from the Dashboard. |
$embedded_form |
If this is being called from an embedded form, set the user to NULL (defaults to false) |
$open_graph |
Open Graph information. |
Deletes an item from the given table and removes any pending changes, then uncaches it from its views.
static deleteItem($table, $id)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to delete an entry from. |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
Deletes a pending item from bigtree_pending_changes and uncaches it.
static deletePendingItem($table, $id)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table the entry would have been in (should it have ever been published). |
$id |
The id of the pending entry. |
Returns all views that have a dependance on a given table.
Return Value: An array of views from the modules database.
static getDependantViews($table)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
Table name |
Returns a module action for the given module and form IDs.
Return Value: A bigtree_module_actions entry.
static getEditAction($module, $form)
Parameter | Description |
$module |
Module ID |
$form |
Form ID |
Returns a module embeddable form.
Return Value: An embeddable module form entry.
static getEmbedForm($id)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the form. |
Returns a module embeddable form.
Return Value: A module form entry with fields decoded.
static getEmbedFormByHash($hash)
Parameter | Description |
$hash |
The hash of the form. |
Returns a query string that is used for searching views based on group permissions.
Can only be called when logged into the admin.
Return Value: A set of MySQL statements that filter out information the user cannot access.
static getFilterQuery($view)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view to create a filter for. |
Returns a module form.
Return Value: A module form entry.
static getForm($id)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the form or a form entry to generate backwards compatibility tweaks for. |
Returns all groups in the view cache for a view.
Return Value: An array of groups.
static getGroupsForView($view)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view entry. |
Returns an entry from a table with all its related information.
If a pending ID is passed in (prefixed with a p) getPendingItem is called instead.
Return Value: Returns false if the entry could not be found.
static getItem($table, $id)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to pull the entry from. |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
Returns the associated module id for the given form.
Return Value: The id of the module the form is a member of.
static getModuleForForm($form_id)
Parameter | Description |
$form_id |
Either a form entry or form id. |
Returns the associated module id for the given view.
Return Value: The id of the module the view is a member of.
static getModuleForView($view)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
Either a view entry or view id. |
Gets an entry from a table with all its related information and pending changes applied.
Return Value: Returns false if the entry could not be found.
static getPendingItem($table, $id)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to pull the entry from. |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
Returns the form for the same table as the given report.
Return Value: A form entry with fields decoded.
static getRelatedFormForReport($report)
Parameter | Description |
$report |
A report entry. |
Returns the form for the same table as the given view.
Return Value: A form entry with fields decoded.
static getRelatedFormForView($view)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
A view entry. |
Returns the view for the same table as the given form.
Return Value: A view entry.
static getRelatedViewForForm($form)
Parameter | Description |
$form |
A form entry. |
Returns the view for the same table as the given report.
Return Value: A view entry.
static getRelatedViewForReport($report)
Parameter | Description |
$report |
A report entry. |
Returns a report with the filters and fields decoded.
Return Value: An array of report information.
static getReport($id)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The ID of the report |
Returns rows from the table that match the filters provided.
Return Value: An array of entries from the report's table.
static getReportResults($report, $view, $form, $filters, $sort_field = "id", $sort_direction = "DESC")
Parameter | Description |
$report |
A module reports entry. |
$view |
A module views entry. |
$form |
A module forms entry. |
$filters |
The submitted filters to run. |
$sort_field |
The field to sort by. |
$sort_direction |
The direction to sort by. |
Returns results from the bigtree_module_view_cache table.
Return Value: An array containing "pages" with the number of result pages and "results" with the results for the given page.
static getSearchResults($view, $page = 1, $query = "", $sort = "id DESC", $group = false)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view to pull data for. |
$page |
The page of data to retrieve. |
$query |
The query string to search against. |
$sort |
The column and direction to sort. |
$group |
The group to pull information for. |
Returns the tags for an entry.
Return Value: An array ot tags from bigtree_tags.
static getTagsForEntry($table, $id, $full = true)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table the entry is in. |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
$full |
Whether to return a full tag array or just the tag string (defaults to full tag array) |
Returns a view.
Return Value: A view entry with actions, settings, and fields decoded. fields also receive a width column for the view.
static getView($view_id, $decode_ipl = true)
Parameter | Description |
$view_id |
The id of the view or a view entry. |
$decode_ipl |
Whether we want to decode internal page link on the preview url (defaults to true) |
Gets a list of data for a view.
Return Value: An array of items from bigtree_module_view_cache.
static getViewData($view, $sort = "id DESC", $type = "both")
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view entry to pull data for. |
$sort |
The sort direction, defaults to most recent. |
$type |
Whether to get only active entries, pending entries, or both. |
Gets a list of data for a view in a given group.
Return Value: An array of items from bigtree_module_view_cache.
static getViewDataForGroup($view, $group, $sort, $type = "both")
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view entry to pull data for. |
$group |
The group to get data for. |
$sort |
The sort direction, defaults to most recent. |
$type |
Whether to get only active entries, pending entries, or both. |
Gets a view for a given table for showing change lists in Pending Changes.
Return Value: A view entry with settings, and fields decoded and field widths set for Pending Changes.
static getViewForTable($table)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
Table name. |
Parses data and returns the parsed columns (runs parsers and populated lists).
Return Value: An array of parsed entries.
static parseViewData($view, $items)
Parameter | Description |
$view |
The view to parse items for. |
$items |
An array of entries to parse. |
Publishes a pending item and caches it.
Return Value: The id of the new entry.
static publishPendingItem($table, $id, $data, $many_to_many, $tags, $open_graph)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to store the entry in. |
$id |
The id of the pending entry. |
$data |
The form data to create an entry with. |
$many_to_many |
Many to Many information |
$tags |
Tag information |
$open_graph |
Open Graph information |
Re-caches a database entry.
static recacheItem($id, $table, $pending = false)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
$table |
The table the entry is in. |
$pending |
Whether the entry is pending or not. |
Processes form data into values understandable by the MySQL table.
Return Value: Array of data safe for MySQL.
static sanitizeData($table, $data, $existing_description = false)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table to sanitize data for |
$data |
Array of key->value pairs |
$existing_description |
If the table has already been described, pass it in instead of making sanitizeData do it twice. (defaults to false) |
Creates a change request for an item and caches it.
Can only be called when logged into the admin.
Return Value: The id of the pending change.
static submitChange($module, $table, $id, $data, $many_to_many, $tags, $publish_hook, $open_graph)
Parameter | Description |
$module |
The module for the entry. |
$table |
The table the entry is stored in. |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
$data |
The change request data. |
$many_to_many |
The many to many changes. |
$tags |
The tag changes. |
$publish_hook |
A function to call when this change is published from the Dashboard. |
$open_graph |
Open Graph changes. |
Used internally by the class to facilitate audit trail tracking when a logged in user is making a call.
static track($table, $id, $action, $user = null)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table that is being changed |
$id |
The id of the record being changed |
$action |
The action being taken |
$user |
A user ID to attribute the change to |
Removes a database entry from the view cache.
static uncacheItem($id, $table)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
$table |
The table the entry is in. |
Update an entry and cache it.
static updateItem($table, $id, $data, $many_to_many, $tags, $open_graph)
Parameter | Description |
$table |
The table the entry is in. |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
$data |
The data to update in the entry. |
$many_to_many |
Many To Many information |
$tags |
Tag information. |
$open_graph |
Open Graph information. |
Update a pending item's field with a given value.
static updatePendingItemField($id, $field, $value)
Parameter | Description |
$id |
The id of the entry. |
$field |
The field to change. |
$value |
The value to set. |
Validates a form element based on its validation requirements.
Return Value: True if validation passed, otherwise false.
static validate($data, $type)
Parameter | Description |
$data |
The form's posted data for a given field. |
$type |
Validation requirements (required, numeric, email, link). |
Returns an error message for a form element that failed validation.
Return Value: A string containing reasons the validation failed.
static validationErrorMessage($data, $type)
Parameter | Description |
$data |
The form's posted data for a given field. |
$type |
Validation requirements (required, numeric, email, link). |