
Function Description
cacheDelete Deletes data from BigTree's cache table.
cacheGet Retrieves data from BigTree's cache table.
cachePut Puts data into BigTree's cache table.
cacheUnique Puts data into BigTree's cache table with a random unqiue key and returns the key.
catch404 Manually catch and display the 404 page from a routed template; logs missing page with handle404
checkOldRoutes Checks the old route table, redirects if the page is found.
decodeResources Turns the JSON resources data into a PHP array of resources with links being translated into front-end readable links.
drawHeadTags Draws the <title>, meta description, and open graph tags for the given context.
drawXMLSitemap Outputs an XML sitemap.
extensionSettingCheck Checks to see if we're in an extension and if we're requesting a setting attached to it.
generateReplaceableRoots Caches a list of tokens and the values that are related to them.
getBreadcrumb Returns an array of titles, links, and ids for pages above and including the current page.
getBreadcrumbByPage Returns an array of titles, links, and ids for the pages above and including the given page.
getFeed Gets a feed's information from the database.
getFeedByRoute Gets a feed's information from the database
getHiddenNavByParent Returns an alphabetical list of pages that are not visible in navigation.
getInternalPageLink Returns a hard link to the page's publicly accessible URL from its encoded soft link URL.
getLink Returns the public link to a page in the database.
getNavByParent Returns a multi-level navigation array of pages visible in navigation
getNavId Provides the page ID for a given path array.
getOpenGraph Returns Open Graph data for the specified table/id combination.
getPage Returns a page along with its resources and callouts decoded.
getPendingPage Returns a page along with pending changes applied.
getPreviewLink Returns a URL to where this page can be previewed.
getRelatedPagesByTags Returns pages related to the given set of tags.
getResource Returns a resource.
getSetting Gets the value of a setting.
getSettings Gets the value of multiple settings.
getTag Returns a tag for a given tag id.
getTagByRoute Returns a tag for a given tag route.
getTagsForPage Returns a list of tags the page was tagged with.
getTemplate Returns a template from the database with resources decoded.
getToplevelNavigationId Returns the highest level ancestor for the current page.
getToplevelNavigationIdForPage Returns the highest level ancestor for a given page.
handle404 Handles a 404.
linkForPath Returns a correct link for a page's path for the current site in a multi-domain setup.
makeSecure Forces the site into Secure mode.
replaceHardRoots Replaces all hard roots in a URL with relative ones (i.e. {wwwroot}).
replaceInternalPageLinks Replaces the internal page links in an HTML block with hard links.
replaceRelativeRoots Replaces all relative roots in a URL (i.e. {wwwroot}) with hard links.
setHeadContext Sets the context for the drawHeadTags method.
urlify Turns a string into one suited for URL routes.


Deletes data from BigTree's cache table.

static cacheDelete($identifier, $key = false)
Parameter Description
$identifier Uniquid identifier for your data type (i.e. org.bigtreecms.geocoding)
$key The key for your data (if no key is passed, deletes all data for a given identifier)


Retrieves data from BigTree's cache table.

Return Value: Data from the table (json decoded, objects convert to keyed arrays) if it exists or false.

static cacheGet($identifier, $key, $max_age = false, $decode = true)
Parameter Description
$identifier Uniquid identifier for your data type (i.e. org.bigtreecms.geocoding)
$key The key for your data.
$max_age The maximum age (in seconds) for the data, defaults to any age.
$decode Decode JSON (defaults to true, specify false to return JSON)


Puts data into BigTree's cache table.

Return Value: True if successful, false if the indentifier/key combination already exists and replace was set to false.

static cachePut($identifier, $key, $value, $replace = true)
Parameter Description
$identifier Uniquid identifier for your data type (i.e. org.bigtreecms.geocoding)
$key The key for your data.
$value The data to store.
$replace Whether to replace an existing value (defaults to true).


Puts data into BigTree's cache table with a random unqiue key and returns the key.

Return Value: They unique cache key.

static cacheUnique($identifier, $value)
Parameter Description
$identifier Uniquid identifier for your data type (i.e. org.bigtreecms.geocoding)
$value The data to store


Manually catch and display the 404 page from a routed template; logs missing page with handle404

static catch404()


Checks the old route table, redirects if the page is found.

static checkOldRoutes($path)
Parameter Description
$path An array of routes


Turns the JSON resources data into a PHP array of resources with links being translated into front-end readable links.
This function is called by BigTree's router and is generally not a function needed to end users.

Return Value: An array of resources.

static decodeResources($data)
Parameter Description
$data JSON encoded callout data.


Draws the <title>, meta description, and open graph tags for the given context.
The context defaults to the current page and can be changed via BigTreeCMS::setHeadContext

static drawHeadTags($site_title = "", $divider = "|")
Parameter Description
$site_title A site title that draws after the page title if entered, also used for og:site_name
$divider The divider between the page title and site title, defaults to |


Outputs an XML sitemap.

static drawXMLSitemap()


Checks to see if we're in an extension and if we're requesting a setting attached to it.
For example, if "test-setting" is requested and "com.test.extension*test-setting" exists it will be used.

Return Value: An extension setting ID if one is found.

static extensionSettingCheck($id)
Parameter Description
$id Setting id


Caches a list of tokens and the values that are related to them.

static generateReplaceableRoots()


Returns an array of titles, links, and ids for pages above and including the current page.

Return Value: An array of arrays with "title", "link", and "id" of each of the pages above the current (or passed in) page.

static getBreadcrumb($ignore_trunk = false)
Parameter Description
$ignore_trunk Ignores trunk settings when returning the breadcrumb


Returns an array of titles, links, and ids for the pages above and including the given page.

Return Value: If a trunk is hit, BigTreeCMS::$BreadcrumbTrunk is set to the trunk.

static getBreadcrumbByPage($page, $ignore_trunk = false)
Parameter Description
$page A page array (containing at least the "path" from the database) *(optional)*
$ignore_trunk Ignores trunk settings when returning the breadcrumb


Gets a feed's information from the database.

Return Value: An array of feed information.

static getFeed($id)
Parameter Description
$id A feed ID


Gets a feed's information from the database

Return Value: An array of feed information with settings and fields decoded from JSON.

static getFeedByRoute($route)
Parameter Description
$route The route of the feed to pull.


Returns an alphabetical list of pages that are not visible in navigation.

Return Value: An array of page entries from the database (without resources or callouts).

static getHiddenNavByParent($parent)
Parameter Description
$parent The parent ID for which to pull child pages.


Returns a multi-level navigation array of pages visible in navigation
(or hidden, if $only_hidden is set to true)

Return Value: A multi-level navigation array containing "id", "parent", "title", "route", "link", "new_window", and "children"

static getNavByParent($parent, $levels = 1, $follow_module = true, $only_hidden = false, $explicit_zero = false)
Parameter Description
$parent Either a single page ID or an array of page IDs -- the latter is used internally
$levels The number of levels of navigation depth to recurse
$follow_module Whether to pull module navigation or not
$only_hidden Whether to pull visible (false) or hidden (true) pages
$explicit_zero In a multi-site environment you must pass true for this parameter if you want root level children rather than the site-root level


Provides the page ID for a given path array.
This is a method used by the router and the admin and can generally be ignored.

Return Value: An array containing the page ID and any additional commands.

static getNavId($path, $previewing = false)
Parameter Description
$path An array of path elements from a URL
$previewing Whether we are previewing or not.


Returns Open Graph data for the specified table/id combination.
table - The table for the entry
id - The ID of the entry

Return Value: An array of Open Graph data.

static getOpenGraph()


Returns a page along with its resources and callouts decoded.

Return Value: A page array from the database.

static getPage($id, $decode = true)
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the page.
$decode Whether to decode resources and callouts or not and retrieve open graph info (setting to false saves processing time)


Returns a page along with pending changes applied.

Return Value: A page array from the database.

static getPendingPage($id, $decode = true, $return_tags = false)
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the page.
$decode Whether to decode resources and callouts or not (setting to false saves processing time, defaults true).
$return_tags Whether to return tags for the page (defaults false).


Returns pages related to the given set of tags.

Return Value: An array of related pages sorted by relevance (how many tags get matched).

static getRelatedPagesByTags($tags)
Parameter Description
$tags An array of tags to search for.


Returns a resource.

Return Value: A resource entry.

static getResource($id)
Parameter Description
$id The id of the resource.


Gets the value of a setting.

Return Value: A string or array of the setting's value.

static getSetting($id)
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the setting.


Gets the value of multiple settings.

Return Value: Array containing the string or array of each setting's value.

static getSettings($id)
Parameter Description
$id Array containing the ID of the settings.


Returns a tag for a given tag id.

Return Value: A tag entry from bigtree_tags.

static getTag($id)
Parameter Description
$id The id of the tag to retrieve.


Returns a tag for a given tag route.

Return Value: A tag entry from bigtree_tags.

static getTagByRoute($route)
Parameter Description
$route The route of the tag to retrieve.


Returns a list of tags the page was tagged with.

Return Value: An array of tags.

static getTagsForPage($page, $full = true)
Parameter Description
$page Either a page array (containing at least the page's ID) or a page ID.
$full Whether to return a full tag array or just the tag string (defaults to full tag array)


Returns a template from the database with resources decoded.

Return Value: The template row from the database with resources decoded.

static getTemplate($id)
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the template.


Returns the highest level ancestor for the current page.

Return Value: The ID of the highest ancestor of the current page.

static getToplevelNavigationId($trunk_as_toplevel = false)
Parameter Description
$trunk_as_toplevel Treat a trunk as top level navigation instead of a new "site" (will return the trunk instead of the first nav item below the trunk if encountered)


Returns the highest level ancestor for a given page.

Return Value: The ID of the highest ancestor of the given page.

static getToplevelNavigationIdForPage($page, $trunk_as_toplevel = false)
Parameter Description
$page A page array (containing at least the page's "path").
$trunk_as_toplevel Treat a trunk as top level navigation instead of a new "site" (will return the trunk instead of the first nav item below the trunk if encountered)


Handles a 404.

static handle404($url)
Parameter Description
$url The URL you hit that's a 404.


Returns a correct link for a page's path for the current site in a multi-domain setup.

Return Value: A fully qualified URL

static linkForPath($path)
Parameter Description
$path A page path


Forces the site into Secure mode.
When Secure mode is enabled, BigTree will enforce the user being at HTTPS and will rewrite all insecure resources (like CSS, JavaScript, and images) to use HTTPS.

static makeSecure()


Replaces all hard roots in a URL with relative ones (i.e. {wwwroot}).

Return Value: A string with relative roots.

static replaceHardRoots($string)
Parameter Description
$string A string with hard roots.


Replaces all relative roots in a URL (i.e. {wwwroot}) with hard links.

Return Value: A string with hard links.

static replaceRelativeRoots($string)
Parameter Description
$string A string with relative roots.


Sets the context for the drawHeadTags method.

static setHeadContext($table, $entry, $title = null, $description = null, $image = null, $type = null)
Parameter Description
$table A data table to pull open graph information from
$entry The ID of the entry to pull open graph information for
$title A page title to use (optional, will use Open Graph information if not entered)
$description A meta description to use (optional, will use Open Graph information if not entered)
$image An image to use for Open Graph (if OG data is empty)
$type An Open Graph type to default to (if left empty and OG data is empty, will use "website")


Turns a string into one suited for URL routes.

Return Value: A string suited for a URL route.

static urlify($title)
Parameter Description
$title A short string.