
Function Description
centerCrop Crop from the center of an image to create a new one.
checkMemory Checks whether there is enough memory available to perform an image manipulation.
copy Copies the image to a new location.
crop Creates a cropped image.
destroy Deletes the source image.
fixRotation Checks EXIF image data and rotates the image if rotation flags are set.
filterGeneratableCrops Filters the array of crops to only those which can be generated by this image.
getLargestCrop Finds the largest crop from a crop set and returns the width and height dimensions.
getLargestThumbnail Finds the largest thumbnail from a crop set and returns the width and height dimensions.
getPrefixArray Parses an array of crops, thumbnails, and center crops and returns an array of prefixes
getThumbnailSize Returns a width and height that are constrained to the passed in max width and height.
getTempFileName Returns a temporary file name of the proper extension.
getUpscaleSize Returns a width and height that are scaled up to the passed in min width and height.
processCenterCrops Parses the image settings center_crops array and runs/stores crops.
processCrops Parses the image settings crops array and runs any exact crops.
processThumbnails Parses the image settings thumbs array and runs/stores thumbnails.
replace Stores a temporary file in its permanant location replacing any file that may exist at the location.
store Stores a temporary file in its permanant location.
thumbnail Creates a thumbnailed image.
restoreMemoryLimit Restores the saved memory limit after image processing is complete.
setImageMemoryLimit Increases the memory limit of PHP for image processing and saves the current limit.
upscale Creates a upscaled image from a source image.


Crop from the center of an image to create a new one.

Return Value: The new file name if successful, false if there was not enough memory available.

centerCrop($location, $crop_width, $crop_height, $retina = false, $grayscale = false)
Parameter Description
$location The location to save the new cropped image (pass null to replace the source image).
$crop_width The crop width.
$crop_height The crop height.
$retina Whether to try to create a retina crop (2x, defaults false)
$grayscale Whether to convert to grayscale (defaults false)


Checks whether there is enough memory available to perform an image manipulation.

Return Value: true if the image can be created, otherwise false.

checkMemory($width, $height)
Parameter Description
$width The width of the new image to be created
$height The height of the new image to be created


Copies the image to a new location.

Return Value: A new BigTreeImage object for the new file or null if copy failed.

copy($location = null)
Parameter Description
$location The new location (leave empty to copy to a temporary file).


Creates a cropped image.

Return Value: The new file name if successful, false if there was not enough memory available or an invalid source image was provided.

crop($location, $x, $y, $target_width, $target_height, $width, $height, $retina = false, $grayscale = false)
Parameter Description
$location The location to save the new cropped image (pass null to replace the source image).
$x The starting x value of the crop.
$y The starting y value of the crop.
$target_width The desired width of the new image.
$target_height The desired height of the new image.
$width The width to crop from the original image.
$height The height to crop from the original image.
$retina Whether to create a retina-style image (2x, lower quality) if able, defaults to false
$grayscale Whether to make the crop be in grayscale or not, defaults to false


Deletes the source image.



Checks EXIF image data and rotates the image if rotation flags are set.



Filters the array of crops to only those which can be generated by this image.



Finds the largest crop from a crop set and returns the width and height dimensions.

Return Value: An array with width and height keys.



Finds the largest thumbnail from a crop set and returns the width and height dimensions.

Return Value: An array with width and height keys.



Parses an array of crops, thumbnails, and center crops and returns an array of prefixes

Return Value: A modified array of file prefixes.



Returns a width and height that are constrained to the passed in max width and height.

Return Value: An array with "width" and "height" keys.

getThumbnailSize($max_width, $max_height, $width_override = null, $height_override = null)
Parameter Description
$max_width The maximum width of the new image (0 for no max)
$max_height The maximum height of the new image (0 for no max)
$width_override Set another value to use for source width (defaults to $this->Width)
$height_override Set another value to use for source height (defaults to $this->Height)


Returns a temporary file name of the proper extension.



Returns a width and height that are scaled up to the passed in min width and height.

Return Value: An array with "width" and "height" keys.

getUpscaleSize($min_width, $min_height)
Parameter Description
$min_width The minimum width of the new image (0 for no min).
$min_height The maximum height of the new image (0 for no min).


Parses the image settings center_crops array and runs/stores crops.
Must be run after store() method has been called.



Parses the image settings crops array and runs any exact crops.
Must be run after store() method has been called.

Return Value: An array of crops that will need to be processed.



Parses the image settings thumbs array and runs/stores thumbnails.
Must be run after store() method has been called.



Stores a temporary file in its permanant location replacing any file that may exist at the location.

Return Value: The full file path (and sets $this->StoredName) or null if the image failed to store (sets $this->Error).

replace($name, $force_local = false)
Parameter Description
$name Desired file name
$force_local true forces a local replacement (in the event the file is local but cloud is set as default)


Stores a temporary file in its permanant location.

Return Value: The full file path (and sets $this->StoredName) or null if the image failed to store (sets $this->Error).

Parameter Description
$name Desired file name


Creates a thumbnailed image.

Return Value: The new file name if successful, false if there was not enough memory available or an invalid source image was provided.

thumbnail($location, $width, $height, $retina = false, $grayscale = false, $upscale = false)
Parameter Description
$location The location to save the new cropped image (pass null to replace the source image).
$width The maximum width of the new image (0 for no max).
$height The maximum height of the new image (0 for no max).
$retina Whether to create a retina-style image (2x, lower quality) if able (defaults to false).
$grayscale Whether to make the crop be in grayscale or not (defaults to false).
$upscale If set to true, upscales to the width / height instead of downscaling (defaults to false, disables retina).


Restores the saved memory limit after image processing is complete.

static restoreMemoryLimit()


Increases the memory limit of PHP for image processing and saves the current limit.

static setImageMemoryLimit()


Creates a upscaled image from a source image.

Return Value: The new file name if successful, false if there was not enough memory available or an invalid source image was provided.

upscale($location, $min_width, $min_height)
Parameter Description
$location The location to save the new cropped image (pass null to replace the source image).
$min_width The minimum width of the new image (0 for no max).
$min_height The minimum height of the new image (0 for no max).