
Function Description
addTagsToPhoto Adds tags to a photo.
callUncached Overrides BigTreeOAuthAPIBase to always request normal JSON.
deletePhoto Deletes a photo.
getAlbumPhotos Returns a list of all of the public photos for a particular photo album
getAlbums Returns all of the albums for the given user
getContactsPhotos Returns recent photos from the contacts of the authenticated user.
getGroup Returns information about a group.
getMyGeotaggedPhotos Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that have geolocation data.
getMyRecentlyUpdatedPhotos Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that have been recently updated (including changes to metadata, new comments, etc).
getMyUncategorizedPhotos Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that are not a part of any set.
getMyUngeotaggedPhotos Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that do not have geolocation data.
getMyUntaggedPhotos Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that are not tagged.
getPerson Returns information about a person.
getPhoto Returns information about a photo.
getPhotosByLocation Returns a list of photos that were taken in a given radius from a location.
getPhotosByTag Returns photos that match a set of tags.
getPhotosForPerson Returns the photos a given person has uploaded.
getPhotosOfPerson Returns photos containing a given person.
getRecentPhotos Returns a list of public photos recently updated to Flickr.
oAuthRedirect Redirects to the OAuth API to authenticate.
oAuthRefreshToken Refreshes an existing token setup.
oAuthSetToken Sets token information (or an error) when provided a response code.
removeTagFromPhoto Removes a tag from a photo.
searchPeople Find a person by email or username.
searchPhotos Returns a list of photos that match the given query.
setPhotoInformation Sets the title, description, and tags of a photo.
uploadPhoto Uploads a photo to the authenticated user's Flickr account.


Adds tags to a photo.

Return Value: true if successful

addTagsToPhoto($photo, $tags)
Parameter Description
$photo The ID of the photo to add tags to.
$tags A single tag as a string or an array of tags.


Overrides BigTreeOAuthAPIBase to always request normal JSON.



Deletes a photo.

Return Value: true if successful

Parameter Description
$photo The ID of the photo to delete.


Returns a list of all of the public photos for a particular photo album

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects

getAlbumPhotos($id, $privacy = 1, $info = "licensedate_uploaddate_takenowner_nameicon_serveroriginal_formatlast_update")
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the photo album
$privacy Privacy level of photos to return (defaults to PRIVACY_PUBLIC / 1)
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update)


Returns all of the albums for the given user

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrAlbum objects

getAlbums($user_id = false)
Parameter Description
$user_id The user ID to retrieve albums for (defaults to logged in user)


Returns recent photos from the contacts of the authenticated user.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getContactsPhotos($count = 10, $just_friends = false, $include_self = false, $info = "licensedate_uploaddate_takenowner_nameicon_serveroriginal_formatlast_update")
Parameter Description
$count Number of photos to return (defaults to 10, max 50)
$just_friends Only return photos from friends instead of all contacts (defaults to false)
$include_self Include your own photos in the stream (defaults to false)
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update)


Returns information about a group.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrGroup object or false if the person isn't found.

Parameter Description
$id The ID of the group.


Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that have geolocation data.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getMyGeotaggedPhotos($per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that have been recently updated (including changes to metadata, new comments, etc).

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getMyRecentlyUpdatedPhotos($since, $per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$since A date from which to pull updates (defaults to one week) — should be formatted in something strtotime() understands
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that are not a part of any set.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getMyUncategorizedPhotos($per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that do not have geolocation data.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getMyUngeotaggedPhotos($per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns a list of the authenticated user's photos that are not tagged.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getMyUntaggedPhotos($per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns information about a person.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrPerson object or false if the person isn't found.

Parameter Description
$id The ID of the person.


Returns information about a photo.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrPhoto object or false if the photo isn't found.

getPhoto($id, $secret = false)
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the photo.
$secret The photo's secret (optional).


Returns a list of photos that were taken in a given radius from a location.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getPhotosByLocation($latitude, $longitude, $radius, $radius_unit, $per_page, $sort, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$latitude Latitude to search from
$longitude Longitude to search from
$radius Distance to search from lat/lon coordinates (numeric value, defaults to 10)
$radius_unit "mi" for miles (default) or "km" for kilometers
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$sort Sort order, defaults to date-posted-desc (available: date-posted-asc, date-posted-desc, date-taken-asc, date-taken-desc, interestingness-desc, interestingness-asc, and relevance)
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns photos that match a set of tags.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects.

getPhotosByTag($tags, $per_page, $sort, $require_all, $user, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$tags An array (or comma separated string) of tags to search for. You can exclude tags by prepending them with a -
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$sort Sort order, defaults to date-posted-desc (available: date-posted-asc, date-posted-desc, date-taken-asc, date-taken-desc, interestingness-desc, interestingness-asc, and relevance)
$require_all Set to true to require all the tags, leave false to accept any of the tags (defaults to false)
$user Optional user ID to restrict the results to. Use "me" to only search your photos. (defaults to false)
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Returns the photos a given person has uploaded.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getPhotosForPerson($person, $per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$person The ID of the person whom you wish to pull the photos of (use "me" for the authenticated user's photos).
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the flickr.people.getPhotos API call


Returns photos containing a given person.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getPhotosOfPerson($person, $per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$person The ID of the person whom you wish to pull the photos of (use "me" for the authenticated user).
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the flickr.people.getPhotosOf API call


Returns a list of public photos recently updated to Flickr.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

getRecentPhotos($per_page, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Redirects to the OAuth API to authenticate.



Refreshes an existing token setup.



Sets token information (or an error) when provided a response code.

Return Value: A stdClass object of information if successful.



Removes a tag from a photo.

Return Value: true if successful

Parameter Description
$tag The tag ID to remove.


Find a person by email or username.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrPerson object or false if no person is found.

Parameter Description
$query Either an email address or username.


Returns a list of photos that match the given query.

Return Value: A BigTreeFlickrResultSet of BigTreeFlickrPhoto objects or false if the call fails.

searchPhotos($query, $per_page, $sort, $user, $info, $params)
Parameter Description
$query Search terms to query against photo titles, descriptions, and tags
$per_page Number of photos per page, defaults to 100, max of 500.
$sort Sort order, defaults to date-posted-desc (available: date-posted-asc, date-posted-desc, date-taken-asc, date-taken-desc, interestingness-desc, interestingness-asc, and relevance)
$user User ID to limit the search results to (use "me" for the authenticated user).
$info A comma separated list of additional information to retrieve (defaults to description, license, date_upload, date_taken, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, views, media)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the API call


Sets the title, description, and tags of a photo.

Return Value: true if successful

setPhotoInformation($photo, $title = "", $description = "", $tags = "")
Parameter Description
$photo The ID of the photo to modify.
$title The title to set.
$description The description to set.
$tags An array of tags or a comma separated string of tags.


Uploads a photo to the authenticated user's Flickr account.

Return Value: The ID of the photo if successful.

uploadPhoto($photo, $title, $description, $tags, $public, $family, $friends, $safety, $type, $hidden)
Parameter Description
$photo The file to upload.
$title A title for the photo (optional).
$description A description for the photo (optional).
$tags An array of tags to apply to the photo (optional).
$public Whether the public can view this photo (optional, defaults to true).
$family Whether "family" can view this photo (optional, defaults to true).
$friends Whether "friends" can view this photo (optional, defaults to true).
$safety Content safety level: 1 for Safe, 2 for Moderate, 3 for Restricted (defaults to Safe)
$type Content type: 1 for Photo, 2 for Screenshot, 3 for Other (defaults to Photo)
$hidden Whether to hide from global search results (defaults to false)