
Function Description
callUncached Piggybacks on the base call to provide error checking for Instagram.
comment Leaves a comment on a media post by the authenticated user.
deleteComment Leaves a comment on a media post by the authenticated user.
getComments Returns a list of comments for a given media ID.
getFeed Returns the authenticated user's feed.
getFriends Returns a list of people the given user ID follows
getFollowers Returns a list of people the given user ID is followed by
getFollowRequests Returns a list of people that are awaiting permission to follow the authenticated user
getLikedMedia Returns a list of media the authenticated user has liked
getLikes Returns a list of users that like a given media ID.
getLocation Returns location information for a given ID.
getLocationByFoursquareID Returns location information for a given Foursquare API v2 ID.
getLocationByLegacyFoursquareID Returns location information for a given Foursquare API v1 ID.
getLocationMedia Returns recent media from a given location
getMedia Gets information about a given media ID
getRelationship Returns the relationship of the given user to the authenticated user
getTaggedMedia Returns recent photos that contain a given tag.
getUser Returns information about a given user ID.
getUserMedia Returns recent media from a given user ID.
like Sets a like on the given media by the authenticated user.
popularMedia Returns a list of popular media.
searchLocations Returns locations that match the search location or Foursquare ID
searchMedia Search for media taken in a given area.
searchTags Returns tags that match the search query.
searchUsers Returns users that match the search query.
setRelationship Modifies the authenticated user's relationship with the given user.
unlike Removes a like on the given media set by the authenticated user.


Piggybacks on the base call to provide error checking for Instagram.



Leaves a comment on a media post by the authenticated user.
This method requires special access permissions for your Instagram application.
Please email for access.

Return Value: true if successful

comment($id, $comment)
Parameter Description
$id The media ID to comment on.
$comment The text to leave as a comment.


Leaves a comment on a media post by the authenticated user.

Return Value: true if successful

deleteComment($id, $comment)
Parameter Description
$id The media ID the comment was left on.
$comment The comment ID.


Returns a list of comments for a given media ID.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramComment objects.

Parameter Description
$id The media ID to retrieve comments for.


Returns the authenticated user's feed.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramResultSet of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.

getFeed($count, $params)
Parameter Description
$count The number of media results to return (defaults to 10)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the users/self/feed API call


Returns a list of people the given user ID follows

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramUser objects

Parameter Description
$id The user ID to retrieve the friends of


Returns a list of people the given user ID is followed by

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramUser objects

Parameter Description
$id The user ID to retrieve the followers of


Returns a list of people that are awaiting permission to follow the authenticated user

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramUser objects



Returns a list of media the authenticated user has liked

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramResultSet of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.

getLikedMedia($count, $params)
Parameter Description
$count The number of media results to return (defaults to 10)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the users/self/media/liked API call


Returns a list of users that like a given media ID.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramUser objects.

Parameter Description
$id The media ID to get likes for


Returns location information for a given ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramLocation object.

Parameter Description
$id The location ID


Returns location information for a given Foursquare API v2 ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramLocation object.

Parameter Description
$id The Foursquare API ID.


Returns location information for a given Foursquare API v1 ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramLocation object.

Parameter Description
$id The Foursquare API ID.


Returns recent media from a given location

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramResultSet of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.

getLocationMedia($id, $params)
Parameter Description
$id The location ID to pull media for
$params Additional parameters to pass to the locations/{id}/media/recent API call


Gets information about a given media ID

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramMedia object.

getMedia($id, $shortcode = false)
Parameter Description
$id The media ID
$shortcode The media shortcode (from shortlink URL, optional & replaces ID)


Returns the relationship of the given user to the authenticated user

Return Value: An object containg an "Incoming" key (whether they follow you, have requested to follow you, or nothing) and "Outgoing" key (whether you follow them, block them, etc)

Parameter Description
$id The user ID to check the relationship of


Returns recent photos that contain a given tag.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramResultSet of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.

getTaggedMedia($tag, $params)
Parameter Description
$tag The tag to search for
$params Additional parameters to pass to the tags/{tag}/media/recent API call


Returns information about a given user ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramUser object.

Parameter Description
$id The user ID to look up


Returns recent media from a given user ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramResultSet of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.

getUserMedia($id, $count, $params)
Parameter Description
$id The user ID to return media for.
$count The number of media results to return (defaults to 10).
$params Additional parameters to pass to the users/{id}/media/recent API call.


Sets a like on the given media by the authenticated user.

Return Value: true if successful

Parameter Description
$id The media ID to like


Returns a list of popular media.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.



Returns locations that match the search location or Foursquare ID

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramLocation objects

searchLocations($latitude = false, $longitude = false, $distance = 1000, $foursquare_id = false, $legacy_foursquare_id = false)
Parameter Description
$latitude Latitude (required if not searching by Foursquare ID)
$longitude Longitude (required if not searching by Foursquare ID)
$distance Numeric value in meters to search from the lat/lon location (defaults to 1000)
$foursquare_id Foursquare API v2 ID to search by (ignores lat/lon)
$legacy_foursquare_id Legacy Foursquare API v1 ID to search by (ignores lat/lon and API v2 ID)


Search for media taken in a given area.

Return Value: A BigTreeInstagramResultSet of BigTreeInstagramMedia objects.

searchMedia($latitude, $longitude, $distance, $params)
Parameter Description
$latitude Latitude
$longitude Longitude
$distance Distance (in meters) to search (default is 1000, max is 5000)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the media/search API call


Returns tags that match the search query.
Exact match is the first result followed by most popular.
If the exact match is popular enough, it is the only result.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramTag objects.

Parameter Description
$tag Tag to search for


Returns users that match the search query.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeInstagramUser objects.

searchUsers($query, $count = 10)
Parameter Description
$query String to search for.
$count Number of results to return (defaults to 10)


Modifies the authenticated user's relationship with the given user.

Return Value: true if successful.

setRelationship($id, $action)
Parameter Description
$id The user ID to set relationship status with
$action "follow", "unfollow", "block", "unblock", "approve", or "deny"


Removes a like on the given media set by the authenticated user.

Return Value: true if successful

Parameter Description
$id The media ID to like