
Function Description
add Adds a record to Salesforce.
delete Deletes a record from Salesforce.
get Returns a single record with the given ID.
getAll Returns all records of this object type.
getMatching Returns records that match the key/value pairs.
getPage Returns a page of records.
query Perform a SOQL query.
search Returns an array of records from Salesforce that match the search query.
update Updates an entry in Salesforce.


Adds a record to Salesforce.

Return Value: A BigTreeSalesforceRecord object if successful.

add($keys, $vals)
Parameter Description
$keys An array of column names to add
$vals An array of values for each of the columns


Deletes a record from Salesforce.

Return Value: true if successful.



Returns a single record with the given ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeSalesforceRecord object

Parameter Description
$id The "Id" field of the record in Salesforce


Returns all records of this object type.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeSalesforceRecord objects.

getAll($order = "Id ASC", $ = false)
Parameter Description
$order The sort order (in SOSQL syntax, defaults to "Id ASC")


Returns records that match the key/value pairs.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeSalesforceRecord objects.

getMatching($fields, $values, $order = "Id ASC", $limit = false, $ = false)
Parameter Description
$fields Either a single field key or an array of field keys (if you pass an array you must pass an array for values as well)
$values Either a signle field value or an array of field values (if you pass an array you must pass an array for fields as well)
$order The sort order (in SOSQL syntax, defaults to "Id ASC")
$limit Max number of records to return, defaults to all


Returns a page of records.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeSalesforceRecord objects.

getPage($page = 1, $order = "id ASC", $perpage = 15, $where = false, $ = false)
Parameter Description
$page The page to return.
$order The sort order (in SOSQL syntax, defaults to "Id ASC")
$perpage The number of results per page (defaults to 15)
$where Optional SOSQL WHERE conditions


Perform a SOQL query.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeSalesforceRecord objects.

query($query, $ = false)
Parameter Description
$query A SOQL query string


Updates an entry in Salesforce.

update($id, $fields, $values)
Parameter Description
$id The Id of the entry.
$fields Either a single column key or an array of column keys (if you pass an array you must pass an array for values as well)
$values Either a signle column value or an array of column values (if you pass an array you must pass an array for fields as well)