
Function Description
createActivity Creates a bulletin and posts it to the authenticated user's channel.
createPlaylist Creates a new playlist for the authenticated user.
createPlaylistItem Adds a video to a playlist.
deletePlaylist Deletes a playlist owned by the authenticated user.
deletePlaylistItem Deletes a playlist item owned by the authenticated user.
deleteVideo Deletes a video (must be owned by the authenticated user).
getActivities Returns a list of activities for a channel.
getCategories Returns a list of YouTube categories.
getChannel Returns channel information for a given ID or username.
getChannelVideos Returns the videos for a given channel ID.
getPlaylist Returns a playlist with the given ID.
getPlaylists Returns playlists for a given channel (or the authenticated user's playlist if user is not specified)
getPlaylistItems Returns the videos in a given playlist.
getSubscribers Returns a list of channel IDs that are subscribed to the authenticated user.
getSubscriptions Returns a list of channels the authenticated user is subscribed to.
getVideo Gets information about a given video ID.
rateVideo Causes the authenticated user to set/clear a rating on a video.
searchChannels Searches YouTube for channels
searchVideos Searches YouTube for videos
subscribe Subscribes the authenticated user to a given channel ID.
timeJoin Joins a time object made by timeSplit into one readable by the YouTube API.
timeSplit Splits a YouTube video time length into an object.
unsubscribe Unsubscribes the authenticated user from a given channel ID.
updatePlaylist Updates a playlist that is owned by the authenticated user.
updatePlaylistItem Updates the details of an item in a playlist.


Creates a bulletin and posts it to the authenticated user's channel.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubeActivity object on success.

Parameter Description
$bulletin The message to post


Creates a new playlist for the authenticated user.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubePlaylist object on success.

createPlaylist($title, $description, $privacy, $tags)
Parameter Description
$title The title of the playlist
$description The description of the playlist (optional)
$privacy The privacy status of the playlist (optional, defaults to public)
$tags An array of tags to tag to the playlist (optional)


Adds a video to a playlist.
Authenticated user must be the owner of the playlist.
*Currently note/start_at/end_at do not seem to be supported by the YouTube API.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubePlaylistItem object on success.

createPlaylistItem($playlist, $video, $position = false, $note = false, $start_at = false, $end_at = false)
Parameter Description
$playlist The ID of the playlist to add the video to
$video The ID of the video to add
$position Position to place the video in the playlist (optional)
$note A note to attach to the video (optional)
$start_at Time object (stdClass with Hours, Minutes, Seconds properties) to set as the start point for the video (optional)
$end_at Time object (stdClass with Hours, Minutes, Seconds properties) to set as the end point for the video (optional)


Deletes a playlist owned by the authenticated user.

Parameter Description
$id The ID of the playlist to delete.


Deletes a playlist item owned by the authenticated user.

Parameter Description
$id The ID of the playlist item to delete.


Deletes a video (must be owned by the authenticated user).

Parameter Description
$id The ID of the video to delete.


Returns a list of activities for a channel.

Return Value: A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of BigTreeYouTubeActivity objects.

getActivities($channel, $count, $params)
Parameter Description
$channel A channel ID or "home" (default) for all the channels the authenticated user follows or "mine" for the authenticated user's activities
$count The number of activities to return (default 10, max 50)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the activities API call.


Returns a list of YouTube categories.

Return Value: A key/value array of id => category name.

getCategories($region = "US")
Parameter Description
$region ISO 3166 country code (defaults to US)


Returns channel information for a given ID or username.
If neither a username or password is provided, the authenticated user's channel is returned.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubeChannel object.

getChannel($username = false, $id = false)
Parameter Description
$username The channel username (optional)
$id The channel ID (optional)


Returns the videos for a given channel ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of BigTreeYouTubeVideo objects.

getChannelVideos($channel, $count, $order, $params)
Parameter Description
$channel The channel ID to retrieve videos for.
$count Number of videos to return (defaults to 10).
$order The order to sort by (options are date, rating, relevance, title, viewCount) — defaults to date.
$params Additional parameters to pass to the search API call.


Returns a playlist with the given ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubePlaylist object.

Parameter Description
$id The ID of the playlist to return.


Returns playlists for a given channel (or the authenticated user's playlist if user is not specified)

Return Value: A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of BigTreeYouTubePlaylist objects.

getPlaylists($channel, $count, $params)
Parameter Description
$channel The channel ID to pull playlists for (or false to use the authenticated user's)
$count The number of results to return per page (defaults to 50, max 50)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the subscriptions API call.


Returns the videos in a given playlist.

getPlaylistItems($playlist, $count, $params, $Return:, $A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of BigTreeYouTubePlaylistItem objects.)
Parameter Description
$playlist The playlist ID to retrieve videos for.
$count The number of results to return per page (defaults to 50, max 50)
$params Additional parameters to pass to the playlistItems API call.
$A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of BigTreeYouTubePlaylistItem objects.


Returns a list of channel IDs that are subscribed to the authenticated user.

Return Value: A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of channel IDs.

getSubscribers($count, $order, $params)
Parameter Description
$count The number of results to return per page (defaults to 50, max 50)
$order Sort order (options are "alphabetical", "relevance", "unread" — defaults to "relevance")
$params Additional parameters to pass to the subscriptions API call.


Returns a list of channels the authenticated user is subscribed to.

Return Value: A BigTreeGoogleResultSet of BigTreeYouTubeSubscription objects.

getSubscriptions($count, $order, $params)
Parameter Description
$count The number of results to return per page (defaults to 50, max 50)
$order Sort order (options are "alphabetical", "relevance", "unread" — defaults to "relevance")
$params Additional parameters to pass to the videos API call.


Gets information about a given video ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubeVideo object.

getVideo($id, $params)
Parameter Description
$id The video ID to retrieve information for.
$params Additional parameters to pass to the videos API call.


Causes the authenticated user to set/clear a rating on a video.

Return Value: true on success.

rateVideo($id, $rating)
Parameter Description
$id The video ID to rate.
$rating "like", "dislike", or "none" (for clearing an existing rating)


Searches YouTube for channels

searchChannels($query, $order, $count, $params)
Parameter Description
$query A string to search for.
$order The order to sort by (options are date, rating, relevance, title, videoCount, viewCount) — defaults to relevance.
$count Number of videos to return (defaults to 10).
$params Additional parameters to pass to the search API call.


Searches YouTube for videos

searchVideos($query, $order, $count, $params)
Parameter Description
$query A string to search for.
$order The order to sort by (options are date, rating, relevance, title, viewCount) — defaults to relevance.
$count Number of videos to return (defaults to 10).
$params Additional parameters to pass to the search API call.


Subscribes the authenticated user to a given channel ID.

Parameter Description
$channel Channel ID to subscribe to.


Joins a time object made by timeSplit into one readable by the YouTube API.



Splits a YouTube video time length into an object.



Unsubscribes the authenticated user from a given channel ID.

Parameter Description
$channel Channel ID to unsubscribe from.


Updates a playlist that is owned by the authenticated user.

Return Value: true on success.

updatePlaylist($id, $title, $description, $privacy, $tags)
Parameter Description
$id The ID of the playlist.
$title The new title for the playlist.
$description The new description for the playlist (optional).
$privacy The new privacy status for the playlist (optional, defaults to public).
$tags The new tags for the playlist (optional, array).


Updates the details of an item in a playlist.
Authenticated user must be the owner of the playlist.
*Currently note/start_at/end_at do not seem to be supported by the YouTube API.

Return Value: A BigTreeYouTubePlaylistItem object on success.

updatePlaylistItem($item, $playlist, $video, $position = false, $note = false, $start_at = false, $end_at = false)
Parameter Description
$item The ID of the playlist item to update
$playlist The ID of the playlist this item is in
$video The video ID for this playlist item
$position Position to place the video in the playlist (optional)
$note A note to attach to the video (optional)
$start_at Time object (stdClass with Hours, Minutes, Seconds properties) to set as the start point for the video (optional)
$end_at Time object (stdClass with Hours, Minutes, Seconds properties) to set as the end point for the video (optional)