#1 Re: Developer Help » Trouble with 4.0 Beta 6 install on MAMP » July 14, 2012 7:34pm

Update: the warning is still being thrown even with the example site set as default.

#2 Developer Help » Trouble with 4.0 Beta 6 install on MAMP » July 14, 2012 6:35pm

Replies: 2

I'm recieving the following warning after a clean install on MAMP:
Warning: ob_start(): no array or string given in /Users/Me/Sites/btc_clean/corerouter.php on line 390.

The site admin works fine however. I have never experienced this issue in the past, and have had several successful installs with previous versions of Big Tree. My MAMP settings meet the installation requirements (magic quotes off, etc.).

What is interesting is that if I include your baked in example site when installing, everything works fine.

Please help!

#3 Developer Help » Advice on "public" modules » April 14, 2012 1:17pm

Replies: 2

Any words of wisdom on creating a public module, such as a public image uploader, or simple comment system? I imagine some form of module driven callout that sanitizes user input. Darth Wordpress may be powerful, but the dark side of the cms will only consume me in hate and http requests of overwhelming magnitude.

#4 Re: Bug Reports » In which the hero is forsaken by the tags. » April 6, 2012 3:56pm

Rejoice! The humble hero levels up. Ovations for the swiftness of The Big Tree bug squash.

#5 Bug Reports » In which the hero is forsaken by the tags. » April 6, 2012 2:56pm

Replies: 3

Even on the example site install, tags for a page and/or "wonders" module are not retaining their tags, and it doesn't seem to be writing to the database either.

The great wisdom of the docs has yielded no answers. What setting have I forgotten, oh people of the Big Tree?

#7 Re: Developer Help » Generated Route? » April 6, 2012 2:01pm

All hail benplum. Big Tree Clan is forever.

I've been poking around core and $commands sure gets around. May I ask exactly what it's doing in this instance? It's working, I just don't know why. Sure looks like black magic to me.

Thanks in advance, over-the-air hi-5!

#8 Developer Help » Generated Route? » April 6, 2012 1:36am

Replies: 5

Anyone willing to break magic and tell me what's happening "behind the scenes" so I can utilize it?

I love this cms. It is big and powerful and scares me. I feel like I'm in Howl's castle. Thank you for your voodoo.

P.S. I'm learning php by going into cms backends and breaking things and trying to fix them so pretend you're talking to a small advanced child.

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