#1 Re: Bug Reports » After upload image, cannot resize since it is blank. » July 31, 2017 8:16pm

Just tested it out on Firefox, same result.
Also if I import the image, then save it will show. Using Pages/Home
But Crop Image is blank so I cannot finish the edit.

Just did another install on another local server. Windows also. Same result.
Will check a Linux server now for the sake of it.
Same error when installed onto a Linux local server (Ubuntu)

Having a look at the site files. The thumb_ etc. files are not being created.

#2 Re: Bug Reports » After upload image, cannot resize since it is blank. » July 31, 2017 8:03pm

Seems ok.

    // Website Environment
    $bigtree["config"]["debug"] = true; // Set to false to stop all PHP errors/warnings from showing, or "full" to show all errors include notices and strict standards
    $bigtree["config"]["domain"] = "http://localhost";    // "domain" should be http://www.website.com
    $bigtree["config"]["www_root"] = "http://localhost/bigtree/site/index.php/"; // "www_root" should be http://www.website.com/location/of/the/site/
    $bigtree["config"]["static_root"] = "http://localhost/bigtree/site/"; // "static_root" can either be the same as "www_root" or another domain that points to the same place -i t is used to server static files to increase page load time due to max connections per domain in most browsers.
    $bigtree["config"]["admin_root"] = "http://localhost/bigtree/site/index.php/admin/"; // "admin_root" should be the location you want to access BigTree's admin from, i.e. http://www.website.com/admin/
    $bigtree["config"]["force_secure_login"] = false; // If you have HTTPS enabled, set to true to force admin logins through HTTPS
    $bigtree["config"]["environment"] = ""; // "dev" or "live"; empty to hide
    $bigtree["config"]["environment_live_url"] = ""; // Live admin URL
    $bigtree["config"]["developer_mode"] = false; // Set to true to lock out all users except developers.
    $bigtree["config"]["maintenance_url"] = false; // Set to a URL to 307 redirect visitors to a maintenance page (driven by /templates/basic/_maintenance.php).
    $bigtree["config"]["routing"] = "basic";
    $bigtree["config"]["cache"] = false; // Enable Simple Caching
    $bigtree["config"]["cache_ttl"] = 300; // Number of seconds to keep a cached page
    $bigtree["config"]["sql_interface"] = "mysqli"; // Change to "mysql" to use legacy MySQL interface in PHP.

#3 Bug Reports » After upload image, cannot resize since it is blank. » July 31, 2017 6:27pm

Replies: 3

I am new to your cms. Love it accept for this image problem.

If I upload an image it uploads and a temp image is created in bigtree/site/files.
Using the inspector in chrome I get this href for the image.

"<img src="http://localhost/bigtree/site/index.php/files/temp-597fb9b3dc950.jpg" id="cropImage1" width="420" height="174">"

Is the index.php part supposed to be there?

So I cannot crop the image at all and I get a blank image after this.

I am using a Bitnami WAMP stack with apache and php 7.1.7

Any ideas anyone.
Thanks in advance

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