#1 Feature Requests » Media Gallery Field Type: Ability to reference File Manager Videos » December 5, 2019 11:06am

Replies: 1

When using the media gallery field type you can add a photo from the file manager. However, you can not reference File manager videos. Can you please update the media gallery field type to allow for this?

#2 Feature Requests » Reorder Pages Alphabetically » April 9, 2019 3:43pm

Replies: 1

BigTree's navigation is amazing, I love the drag and drop to reorder pages but there are certain areas of my site that have a lot of sub pages. When the content editors add a new page it goes directly to the bottom of the list and we have to drag it so that it is alphabetical. I would love if there was a way to just alphabetize the visible subpages quickly. Maybe a little A-Z ↓


#4 Feature Requests » New Field Type: Image with Alt Text » March 29, 2019 1:44pm

Replies: 2

Dear BigTree,

I would like a field type 'Image with Alt Text' which would be an image field and an alt field. It would be great. I will continue my work convincing people that sometimes the best alt is no alt.


#5 Feature Requests » Dashboard Feature > SEO Index of pages missing meta description » January 8, 2019 2:12pm

Replies: 0

Most content creators are really good about entering in meta descriptions. However, it only takes one rogue  user to really mess up consistent and thoughtful meta descriptions. Can you please add a dashboard feature to review meta descriptions? It would be really great to have an option of filter and view pages that do not have a meta description at all.


#6 Re: Feature Requests » v4.3 Sharing > Open Graph Type » December 7, 2018 3:46pm

Excellent on the modules. 

For the pages, I agree defaulting to 'website' makes the most sense for all of my use cases. THANKS!

#7 Feature Requests » v4.3 Sharing > Open Graph Type » December 6, 2018 11:23am

Replies: 2

I would like the ability to set a default OG type for pages and for when it is enabled on modules. THANKS!

#9 Feature Requests » OG Image Field Type as File Reference » November 26, 2018 4:53pm

Replies: 1

I'm on 4.3 with the amazing Share features and the File Manager. I'm wondering if we can change the OG Image field type to 'File Reference' so the user can select images from the file manager instead of having to upload an OG image each time.

Thanks for considering.

#10 Feature Requests » Pages Listing > Child Indicator » October 30, 2018 1:09pm

Replies: 1

It would be nice to tell if a page has children from the listing view. Right now I need to see click on each page to see if the information architecture is implemented at least one level down. I think just a little [+] mark would do the job.

Thanks for considering!

#11 Feature Requests » User Level Visible in Listing View » October 29, 2018 1:43pm

Replies: 1

Can you please add the user permission level to the listing view? Often I need to speak to only the users with a specific permission level--such as administrators or developers.

#12 Feature Requests » Simplified Developer Module Creation » September 14, 2018 10:36am

Replies: 3

Currently, there are two distinct options to begin creating a module, 'Add Module' and 'Module Designer.' Can we simplify the interaction and just have a single 'Add Module' that prompts the user to select whether the module will use and existing table or create a new table?

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