#1 Bug Reports » TinyMCE applies to random fields on localhost » February 2, 2015 2:20pm

Replies: 3

Every time I open a module item for editing on local server (Windows 7), TinyMCE applies randomly to various fields. Here are some screenshots of what I see if I open the editing form and hit F5. With enough luck you may even see TinyMCE applied to Date field:


The bug is browser-independent - chrome, ff, ie, even old opera 12. Everything is fine on a shared hosting, though, so it's not much of a problem, but still a bit inconvenient... Any ideas?

#2 Re: Developer Help » How can I create tree-like categorized lists/catalogs? » June 19, 2014 1:55pm

Well, it looks like I've got things right, thank you. The front-end flexibility is a thing I like most of all in Bigtree, so I'll try to keep up with some back-end issues )

#3 Developer Help » How can I create tree-like categorized lists/catalogs? » June 19, 2014 1:30pm

Replies: 2

There's a very common need of creating something like, let's say, a catalog of goods - a number of sections which has sub-sections which, in turn, has a number of goods or other items.

As I can see so far, I can create a tree-like structure of categories in one module and a list of goods in other module, and connect each item to  some sub-category. But it is pretty inconvenient. For example, it's impossible to open an arbitrary category's items list - you have to create a view for every specific category.

One can also create a tree of pages, but you cannot assign different field types to a page, which is also bad.

I hope I just doing something wrong and there is an easy way of doing that. Can anyone help?

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