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Working on a new project, and I would second this feature Tim!
Currently BigTreeCMS is supporting to automaticly minify CSS and JS files. However, at the moment I have to use a diffrent library in order to compress (gzip) the js files. Would be cool feature if it could be fitted with the current minify option.
No worries, cheers for the fix
Hi Tim,
back again for a new project. Working with a clean install of 4.2.15 now for a change. However seems the alignment in the BO isn't okay.
I'm at zoom 100% in chrome on 4k screen win 8.
See screen attached.
fixed it with adding clear: left; on header at main.css :602
.table > header, .table .image_pending_divider {background: #eee;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 0;-webkit-border-radius: 0;-moz-border-radius: 0;-ms-border-radius: 0;-o-border-radius: 0;color: #666;height: 20px;clear: left;line-height: 20px;margin-top: -1px;text-transform: uppercase;-webkit-transform: uppercase;-moz-transform: uppercase;-ms-transform: uppercase;-o-transform: uppercase;user-select: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;-o-user-select: none;}
Thanks, just wanted to be sure ;-)
Any update on this Tim? I'm starting my 9th project, wanted to include the latest branch of BigTree, however don't feel like translating everything again ;-).
Is it required to keep the default install files in the root after successfully deploying a project?
I'm referring to files like:
- bigtree.sql
- example-site.sql
- install.php
- example-site
Haven't crawled the whole directory structure, might be some more left somewhere.
I like clean projects
@Tim, how fun is it to say YES to about every question he has . Another confirmation that bigtree is a great cms solution!
Hi Tim,
noticed you updated the events plugin, tried it immediatly, but now i'm getting the following msg:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method BigTree::dateFormat() in /home/extensions/ on line 3
Not sure how far you are with 4.3, but if you need some translations upfront, give me a shout.
Nice to hear :-) I've managed to replace them all, looking forward for 4.3!
Hey Tim,
sorry for the late reply. I'm indeed using another date format:
$bigtree["config"]["date_format"] = "d-m-Y";
and for the enviornment:
Issue wasn't completely fixed. Indeed it had something to do with the fieldtype, after fixing the publishing hook.
However recurring events still weren't cached like they are supposed to. Fount the bug now, i wasn't setting an end date (relying on the script to automaticly calculate 2 years in advance) however it doesnt do so.
So manually setting the end date of the recurring event fixed the issue for me. For now i'll make the field a required field.
I know it's nice / fast to code with shorttags, but not all servers support this.
Would be nice to be able to enable/disable this on installation.
Found the issue, i scrambled the d/m/y which caused the issue.
For now i'm holding onto your format and will change it only at output.
Cheers for the help.
Hey tim,
cheers for the clarification. Seems that adding "BTXEvents::publishHook" as Publishing hook it screws up the form date input etc.
Doesn't seem the right fix for 4.2.1?
I'm trying to build a calendar plugin for a website and trying to get the data from the BTXEvents extension to the template now.
Stumbled upon something maybe someone can clarify?
I've succesfully entered a recurring event in the module, but didn't include an end date. If I see correctly in events.php the query is caching the event date for - 1 year and + 2 years. However when I use the getUpcomingEvents feature the recurring event only is shown once with the initial setup date. The btx_events_date_cache table contains only 1 rule with the initial data.
Is it meant to be only one entry in the db? Or should the query write a row for each recurring event. If not i'd have to calculate the future events in the frontend, doesn't seem the appropriate way right?
Would be nice to improve the fieldtype "Photogallery" with the ability to select multiple images at once by holding ctrl or shift.
Upload already supports multiple images, however selecting the images can only be done one at a time, which can be time consuming for larger image galleries.
Tim, also keep in mind to create an option for date and time manipulation. For instance, our default settings would be:
Where you woud use mm/dd/yyyy
Fixed it by adding below rule to the custom/settings.php
$bigtree["config"]["date_format"] = "d/m/Y";
No worries, was busy setting up the events calendar as well ;-).
Thanks for sharing the package, it's all clear to me now!
Cheers man, worked like a charm !
I always prefer using Livehelperchat ( it's pretty solid and packed with (customizable) options.
I've already updated the core to the lastest version prior to installing the events extension however when I post a new event or category it's not saving the form data to the database.
Does anyone know what's up?
As you can see other data like ID, recurring and dates are stored like a charm
Would be nice if you could pack me one up. Indeed was looking for some input on how to tweak it at best with BigTree ;-)
Think you already developed a news handling extension. Perhaps you could share it in the extension library? Would be much appreciated!