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Pages: 1
Think you already developed a news handling extension. Perhaps you could share it in the extension library? Would be much appreciated!
We generally don't package up extensions with templates due to the nature of front ends being so specific. For that reason we don't really have a news extension ready to package up -- we generally rebuild the news module from scratch for each site we build because it's so simple (and the fields for it vary between clients other than date / title / body copy).
If you're just looking for something to get some implementation ideas from I can package up something from one of our site builds. It wouldn't be an extension, though (packages install into the global "namespace" in BigTree).
Would be nice if you could pack me one up. Indeed was looking for some input on how to tweak it at best with BigTree ;-)
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you -- got swamped with other updates.
You can grab the news package here:
It's a fairly old news setup but hopefully it gives you some ideas. It includes a news module, class, and a routed template.
No worries, was busy setting up the events calendar as well ;-).
Thanks for sharing the package, it's all clear to me now!
You can restrict the number of news, for example, show only four last news?
You can call the getRecent method of the news module's class to return the latest 4 news items.
You can call the getRecent method of the news module's class to return the latest 4 news items.
How to use the template in the news?
and /news/details/ 8 (id 8 to Tile)
Last edited by userbot (May 12, 2016 10:01am)
Pages: 1