#1 Re: General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 10:58am

Sorry for other disturb...Now i've install cms in other folder and the installation is completed correctly but when i try to acces to backend or site return the error 500 but now before installation completed

#3 Re: General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 10:37am

Ok thank's but not existing other mode for install cms...

#4 Re: General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 10:35am

and this is my htaccess :

SetEnv PHP_VER 5_3
Options -Indexes
RewriteEngine On

#5 Re: General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 10:31am

the thaccess is in the root directory of my hosting ... .htaccess/www and the BigTreeCms folder is in /www/.../.../bigtreecms

#6 Re: General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 10:24am

Hi, i not have the htacces in the same folder the install.php is in other subFolder...but i've tested this solution but i've already 500 error.

#7 Re: General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 5:07am

Now i've see error log:

Premature end of script headers: install.php

#8 General » 500 Error Internal Server » March 11, 2014 4:43am

Replies: 14

Hi, now i've downloaded the new 4.03 version release.While install in my linux shared hosting ovh i've return this error before installation :

500 Internal Error server

I can't install the cms.

my config is php 5.x and mysql db .

I've set the permission of root bgtree to 777 and i''ve in my htacces magic quotes turned of and mod_rewrite on

How to solve?


#9 General » Update CMS to new version » March 7, 2014 6:43pm

Replies: 1

It can update the CMS without having to reinstall the beginning? If you have data customized forms, views, templates, etc. reinstalling everything from scratch you perderebbo. Thanks in advance

#11 Re: Developer Help » Module Form Creation no create field in mysql table » March 1, 2014 7:22pm

I've also tested on localhost (mac os x with xampp) and I've the same problem.

#12 Re: Developer Help » Module Form Creation no create field in mysql table » February 28, 2014 2:14pm

And Now i have see that i try to edit a form example i can't add field or if modify the existly field in other format this modify not update on relative mysql table but if add a post of a module this is correctly save in table

#18 Developer Help » Module Form Creation no create field in mysql table » February 28, 2014 9:59am

Replies: 13


when i try to create a new module and i create a form with form field i don't receive error but when i view the relative module not work correctly.While i try to resolve i see that in mysql table custom_module_table not are never field.In the table there is only id but all field that i created from module creator not created in myslq table.

Thank in advance.

Sorry for the bad english.

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