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Hello, trying to upgrade to Bigtree 4.3.3 from 4.2.24 and got this error.
Warning: include(/home/content/81/14006481/html/test/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/81/14006481/html/test/core/bootstrap.php on line 71
Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/content/81/14006481/html/test/vendor/autoload.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_6/lib/php') in /home/content/81/14006481/html/test/core/bootstrap.php on line 71
Please help thanks
Ok so i figured out that can just copy over the vendor folder to my current directory and the upgrade is completed. However, i was directed to a new page saying this
"BigTree has updated your composer.json file with required libraries. Please run `composer update` before attempting to use BigTree 4.3."
Im not too familiar with composer or anything like that so i wondering if i should do what it said or not since i didn't use composer to do the upgrade.
If you don't currently use composer in your project and manually copied vendor from the BigTree directory you should be fine to ignore that message!
Thank you!
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