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Trying to add a gallery to a sub-page but I keep getting this JS error:
Uncaught TypeError: BigTreePhotoGallery.extend is not a function
Uncaught TypeError: CustomPhotoGallery is not a function
I'm able to add the images but when I select them and hit "use this image" chrome asks me if I'm sure I want to leave this page or if I want to stay because I have unsaved information on the page. But there is no save button. So it does not create a gallery array.
I was looking at the demo site and getting the same error. I'm working with 4.2.1
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
Last edited by ctrac18 (April 16, 2015 1:01pm)
Looks like 4.2 broke the demo's custom photo gallery. Thanks for the bug report!
Should be fixed in this commit: … bc43a965ba
To fix it in your local install you'll want to grab the raw files and replace them in your /custom/ folder:
- /custom/admin/form-field-types/draw/photo-gallery.php
- /custom/admin/js/demo.js