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In Developer > Email Delivery, we added a default email address for when bigtree sends emails. The From address is correct but we would like to change the default reply-to: email address, currently it is no-reply@... Can we change the email through bigtree or do we make the change in admin.php?
if ($es->Settings["bigtree_from"]) {
$reply_to = "no-reply@".(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? str_replace("www.","",$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) : str_replace(array("http://www.","https: //www.","http://","https://"),"",DOMAIN));
$es->sendEmail("$site_title Daily Digest",$body,$user["email"],$es->Settings["bigtree_from"],"BigTree CMS",$reply_to);
} else {
BigTree::sendEmail($user["email"],"$site_title Daily Digest",$body);
There's no reply-to support for emails that the admin sends (due to them being automated messages -- it doesn't make sense in most cases to support replying).
If you really need a reply-to email, I'd suggest extending the admin class and just overriding the single method or methods you need rather than editing admin.php:
See "Extending without Overriding" here: … ding-core/
Thanks Tim, we changed our minds and will not change the reply-to.
Pages: 1