#1 March 5, 2018 2:51pm

Registered: May 6, 2015
Posts: 144

Upgrade on Mamp Pro

I am using Mamp Pro on Windows and tried to upgrade Bigtree 4.2.21 but when ever it gets to http://localhost/admin/developer/upgrade/database/, I keep on getting

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50541 Library:50634 in C:\MAMP\htdocs\localhost\core\inc\bigtree\sql.php on line 27
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\MAMP\htdocs\localhost\core\inc\bigtree\sql.php on line 111

Check the logs and  the error I'm getting is
[05-Mar-2018 13:39:21 America/Chicago] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: sites in C:\MAMP\htdocs\localhost\core\admin\router.php on line 164

Tried adding code to environment.php but still same issue on the page but no error in the logs.
$bigtree["config"]["sites"] = array();

Thanks in advance.


#2 March 5, 2018 2:53pm

From: Baltimore, MD
Registered: April 2, 2012
Posts: 978

Re: Upgrade on Mamp Pro

The timeout on upgrading to 4.2.21 can be the result of a super large bigtree_404s table. It's trying to clean it up as a previous release caused duplicate 404s. You can either manually truncate the bigtree_404s table or keep hitting the database upgrade page until it succeeds (it'll slowly process all the bad 404s and eventually it'll get through them quick enough to not timeout).


#3 March 5, 2018 2:57pm

Registered: May 6, 2015
Posts: 144

Re: Upgrade on Mamp Pro

Thanks Tim, truncating the bigtree_404s table fixed the issue.


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