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I am using Mamp Pro on Windows and tried to upgrade Bigtree 4.2.21 but when ever it gets to http://localhost/admin/developer/upgrade/database/, I keep on getting
Warning: mysqli::__construct(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50541 Library:50634 in C:\MAMP\htdocs\localhost\core\inc\bigtree\sql.php on line 27
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\MAMP\htdocs\localhost\core\inc\bigtree\sql.php on line 111
Check the logs and the error I'm getting is
[05-Mar-2018 13:39:21 America/Chicago] PHP Notice: Undefined index: sites in C:\MAMP\htdocs\localhost\core\admin\router.php on line 164
Tried adding code to environment.php but still same issue on the page but no error in the logs.
$bigtree["config"]["sites"] = array();
Thanks in advance.
The timeout on upgrading to 4.2.21 can be the result of a super large bigtree_404s table. It's trying to clean it up as a previous release caused duplicate 404s. You can either manually truncate the bigtree_404s table or keep hitting the database upgrade page until it succeeds (it'll slowly process all the bad 404s and eventually it'll get through them quick enough to not timeout).
Thanks Tim, truncating the bigtree_404s table fixed the issue.
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