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Pages: 1
This is me, the developer that not your mom is. Very big error I get when I try to upload image through the file browser. I believe it caused by rabid rabbits bananas. Let me show you:
Warning: getimagesize(/var/tmp/phpweFnmy): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c05/h03/mnt/70057/domains/ on line 26\
Warning: Division by zero in /nfs/c05/h03/mnt/70057/domains/ on line 47
Warning: Division by zero in /nfs/c05/h03/mnt/70057/domains/ on line 66
Very strange. File does exist but it says no file. Why no file say not exist? Please help, client very happy but now maybe not so happy.
Thank you BigusTree for your masterful support.
Since it's complaining about /var/tmp I'm guessing the shared hosting is doing something weird with the temporary upload directory.
Pages: 1