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I've installed BigTree and my example site is working, but I cannot login to the admin page. I've tried running the installation several times but I'm always told I'm entering an invalid e-mail address or password. What could I be doing wrong?
Can you verify that there's an entry in the bigtree_users table for the email address you're trying to login with?
There doesn't seem to be. When I look at the table in HeidiSQL there are 10 columns: id, email, password, name, company, level, permissions, alerts, daily_digest, and change_password. I don't see anything specific to the e-mail account I created during the installation.
There are no rows under the "Data" tab for the bigtree_users table.
It sounds like the user creation in the install process is failing for you but I've never seen that happen before.
If you manually add a record to the bigtree_users table with your email address, the "level" column set to 2, and $P$BVrfuFkCBcoGcwRUehyW951OJGwcJf0 as the password field you should be able to login with the password "test".
That doesn't work. HeidiSQL gives me an error when creating the record stating "SQL Error (1364): Field 'permissions' doesn't have a default value." When I try to login after adding the record I get the same "Invalid e-mail or password" error.
I tried running that query using both HeidiSQL and Sql Manager for MySQL and they both returned the same errors. They're expecting values for permissions, alerts, daily_digest, and change_password and won't accept null.
Try this query:
INSERT INTO bigtree_users (`email`,`password`,`level`,`permissions`,`alerts`,`daily_digest`,`change_password_hash`) VALUES ('','$P$BVrfuFkCBcoGcwRUehyW951OJGwcJf0','2','','','','');
Thanks, that worked!
Just tried to install 4.0RC2 and I ran into the same exact problem.
I changed line 150 of install.php to:
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO bigtree_users (`email`,`password`,`name`,`level`) VALUES ('$cms_user','$enc_pass','Developer','2')");
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
And the error I received was:
Invalid query: Field 'permissions' doesn't have a default value
I updated line 150 of install.php to:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO bigtree_users(`email`,`password`,`name`,`level`,`permissions`,`alerts`,`daily_digest`,`change_password_hash`) VALUES ('$cms_user','$enc_pass','Developer','2','','','','')");
And the install created the CMS user as expected.
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